Sunday 26 November 2017

Importance of play school in the new education system

Creative play is the key to a healthy mind and body of the child. It is an absolutely critical part of their growing days as it allows top them to digest life and shape it. Children flourish and grow with loads of play and without play, there is a serious impact on their growth. Hence the demand for preschools in our country has gone up as they provide ample opportunities for play and learning through play.
In recent times children are sent to school from the age of 1. 5 years. This is a new trend that has developed over years. However, not all parents feel the need for the same. Many parents feel that children can still learn without attending a preschool and can still be one of the bright professionals in their future. A lot of parents see it to be another marketing gimmick. While it is true that children today are under tremendous pressure however the idea of a playschool is very different from a formal school. Play school creates an environment where the toddler learns through various age-appropriate activities and play. These activities help in the emotional, physical and social growth of the child. The child becomes more confident to participate in a group. There is no fixed age group as to when the child should attend the play school. However recent trend shows that the appropriate age is from 1.5 years onwards.
What is of a ? A is a place where around 10-20 spend 1-2 hours each day under the supervision of a couple of teachers. The facilitator/teacher-child ratio should ideally be around 1:10. The aim of such preschools is not enhancing the writing and reading skills of the toddler. However, they are aimed at providing a conducive environment to the child for their holistic growth.
Playschools provide an appropriate learning environment for children ranging from age 1.5 yrs to 6 yrs with various learning tools and activities. Children feel confident while being in a group and also learn various etiquettes which impacts their life in a great deal.  The activities are age appropriate and take into consideration the overall growth of the child.
The benefits of play school are as follows:
  • Reduce separation anxiety
  • Inculcate creative play spirit among the children
  • Learning through play
  • Foster emotional, physical, intellectual, creative and social skills through age-appropriate activities and play
  • Inculcate life skills among the little ones
  • Preparing the little ones for the formal school
A lot of parents feel that all the above benefits can be learned by the child at home or with time. However to counter this argument we can say that play schools provide a safe and a secure environment where the child learns through play the basic foundations of life. Their exposure to such an environment prepares them systematically towards the formal school interviews and also at the same time ensuring the overall growth of the child. Play schools have definitely become the talk of the town for the new generation education system as the children reap a lot of benefits from the same.

Winter revelry for toddlers

With the onset of winter, the infants of the three centers of the preschool, I Play I Learn, had a reason to rejoice. I Play I Learn, an initiative of New Age Knowledge Solution Ltd (NAKS) organized a winter carnival for these toddlers. The little children, their parents and teachers from the three centers of the school, located in Jadavpur, Garia and Mandirtala came together for this event.

The carnival held at Aban Mahal, CLT Hall, Dhakuria, witnessed enthralling performances by ninety-seven toddlers aged between fifteen months and two and a half years. The programme began with performances of Ganesh Bandana and Devi Shakti followed by dance recitals, roller skating and plays. A thematic drama on the preservation of Nature was also staged. Teachers and parents joined the kids in the ramp show and skits.

The chief guest, Narendra Ranjan Mukherjee, assistant director if the Department of Information and Cultural Affairs, Government of West Bengal was impressed by the brilliant show put on by the infants and encouraged them to keep performing with the same spirit and enthusiasm. "We plan to organize a carnival once in three months from now on. We also plan to organize regular medical camps, not just for our students and their families but others as well. In the pipeline, is an awareness campaign on Nutrition and Food for the infants and their guardians," said Zonal Head (Eat) of NAKS Raj Kumar Singh.

Friday 24 November 2017

Best Preschool/Playschool Franchise in India

I Play I Learn is the best preschool/play school in India. It is the Gen-Next-Preschool has a concept is play it up with a new innovation. Nowadays child education is the most important for their better future. Child education direct effect on child's overall development. This importance of the child growth understood by the I Play I Learn & hereby we introduce I Play I Learn – a thoughtfully, conceptualized and designed pre-school model for new generation learners. Having centers in Thane, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Karnataka. Kolkata, Hyderabad, Borivali, Goregaon, Kandivali, Kharghar, Malad, West Bengal.  I Play I Learn offer enriching opportunities for our young inquisitive minds to quench their thirst for PLAY and of course LEARN too.

I Play I Learn is also offering business opportunity in India by giving franchise option.  Our preschool franchise offers high returns on low investment. Our Preschool/Playschool franchise model has been envisaged with the fundamental principles of non-discrimination with standardization; hence flexibility in the model that provides multiple format opportunities (Metro & Non-Metro Locations, further classified on the standardized resource allocating capability) to our prospective franchisees. Our motive is to provide the benefit of quality preschooling to our kids cutting across demographical and lingual barriers, which is such a precious desire for all concerned guardians of today.  That’s why we are the best preschool franchise in Mumbai, India.

The requirements to open I Play I Learn  Preschool Franchise in India

  • We would expect to associate with people who have passion and understanding about the domain, right mindset and with sufficient resources to carry the brand the way we expect it to be delivered.
  • To adhere firmly to the guidelines provided by NAKS and to drive his/her Franchise Unit aggressively with a vision to be the best in their locality.
  • The Investment would range between INR 6 Lacs to 8 Lacs depending upon the location and area were chosen. Not Necessarily, you may start our programme on   Leased/ Rented  Property.
  • The premise with some Open Space in environmentally congenial surroundings in residential/semi residential locations safe and conducive to children.
  • Preferably an independent villa/bungalow, with a separate boundary wall alongside the outdoor play area.
  • Minimum 1200 -1500 square feet of space with an outdoor play area (preferable)
  • Ground-floor premises with a built-in washroom.
  • Society NOC, approval from the local Municipal Authority, site commercialization proof (wherever applicable).
  • Min 4 Staff (Principal, teacher, attendant) and maximum depending on the Model. No. of Kids etc. etc. we encourage a healthy ratio of 1:8 for facilitators VS Kids in our I Play I Learn Centres.
  • Interiors to be arranged by Franchisee as per the specifications of I Play I Learn. I Play I learn will provide images of existing centers as a guide.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit and ability to invest Capital.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

I Play I Learn Franchise Support

  • Dedicated academic coordinator and Business development person at I Play I learn Respective Regional office for assistance
  • Annual playschool curriculum
  • Lead Management
  • Enterprise resource planning(ERP) , business process management software that allows entire  I Play I Learn centers to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate many back office functions related to technology, services and human resources.
  • Assistance in survey, study and site selection
  • Assistance in designing the interiors and setting the layout
  • Entire TARM ( Teaching Aids Resource Materials) will be delivered from  I Play I learn Warehouse.
  • Assistance in recruiting and training staff
  • Extensive franchise, curriculum and teacher training
  • Conducting Parents Orientation Program (POP)
  • We conduct Annual Day programme
  • We conduct Summer Camps
  • Structured curriculum and ongoing support
  • On ground Marketing support
  • Ongoing operational support
  • Research and development

Begins with the beginning of our little ones’ educational journey…

Nature, a challenge for humans to nurture. In line with its philosophy ‘I Play I Learn’ is positively sensitizing little ones to develop and foster a strong bond with nature and its elements. Childhood is the best time to explore, understand, experiment and build a bond with nature too.
Our little ones are beginning their academic journey and their twinkling eyes peep through the windows of pre-school. ‘I Play I Learn’ aim to make their first step a very memorable one introducing them to a plethora of play and learn experiences through indoor and outdoor activities to foster their holistic development with an ingrained element of nature right from the beginning.
I Play I Learn’ curriculum draws its inspiration from the theory of ‘Multiple intelligence’ by Howard Gardner, Playway method by Froebel, Montessori Method by Maria Montessori, theme-based and project approach by John Dewey and Reggio Emilia approach. Most of these theory proponents lay emphasis on the environment as a vital factor to the further holistic development of children. Environment as in, an indoor environment of the classroom as well as the environment in which we live influences us in all respects.
‘Nature smartness’ is one of the aspects we foster in every child at ‘I Play I Learn’.  As per the developmental age, our curriculum provides opportunities to further potentials in every child. Lesson plans appropriately weave in this aspect of nature smartness by bringing the little ones closer to nature.
Apart from ‘I Play I Learn’ classroom environment equal emphasis is laid on the exteriors too. We believe that ‘environmental study’ is much more an inevitable necessity than just a mandate to be followed.
Sensitizing the young inquisitive minds towards nature and its boons is important to create little ones’ first stepping stone for future. An affiliation with nature in the early years not only builds an emotional bond but also nurtures this relationship with nature in the time to come. At ‘I Play I Learn’, it is of utmost importance to introduce them to nature; the first step towards environmental education.
Material like clay, water, and sand are inviting to our little ones and offer enjoyable activities to foster the little ones learning experience like watering the plants, molding the clay, and play, water play, nature walks etc. An environment with plants, birds, trees, animals and much more are introduced to our little ones. Our concepts and thoughts move from general to complex and this is reflected in the curriculum as we orient children to various aspects of nature and sensitize them to nurture the elements adorning nature.
Bonds and relationships developed in the formative years will only get further nurtured and strengthened with time…. ‘I Play I Learn’ is nurturing the bond with nature in children….

Monday 20 November 2017

Play School - Education or Fun

A few years ago, the concept of playschools or preschools in India was unheard of, and few children, if any, attended playschool. Still, children grew up to be sensible and mature individuals. However, play schools have mushroomed in our country as they prepare the little ones in the most systematic manner and take care of their overall growth. These schools do not focus on academics as much as they are more focused on learning through play. A play is so vital that it has become the right of every child.
Play allows children to develop their curiosity, give wings to their imagination and helps them to apply these skills in their day to day activities. It gives them emotional strength and enhances their fine and gross motor skills. Children when they are young they relate and connect to many things and since human brain develops the maximum during the first four years of your early life, it is very important that children are exposed to a lot of activities which gives them ample opportunities for their brain development. Play helps children develop new competencies that lead to enhanced confidence. Play gives each child an opportunity to practice decision-making skills and enhance their confidence. Being passive at times makes the child shy. Also, a lot of slow learners or timid children when they attend play schools open up and participate equally in group activities. Perhaps above all, the play is a simple joy that is a cherished part of childhood. And this simple joy is captured in the modern day play schools. Hence play schools today offer education through play making the entire process of emotional, physical, intellectual, creative and social growth (EPICS) of the children a fun loving process.
Children’s developmental chart is well complemented by the loving and sensible facilitators. Facilitators act as perfect mediators who facilitate the learning process for the children in the most systematic and fun-loving manner.  A play is integral to the academic environment. It ensures that the school setting attends to the social and emotional development of children as well as their cognitive development. Social-emotional learning is best integrated with academic learning.
Play Schools also provide an opportunity to socialize with other. This eases out the transition process to a formal school. Separation anxiety is being taken care of if the child is in the habit of attending a play school. Looking at the immense benefits of a play school, it can be rightly said that play schools are meant to provide education through fun-loving age-appropriate activities.

Thursday 16 November 2017


There is a host of preschool/playschool/kindergarten schools in the neighborhood or in the vicinity of your homes. All the schools seem to be very attractive and promise a lot of learnings for the child. At times it becomes difficult and confusing to decide the best preschool for your little ones. Here are some tips below to select the suitable preschool for the toddler.
Tips to select the Best Playschool for Your Child

1: School with a Friendly Environment

The environment of a playschool is the most important factor since it has the biggest and deepest impact on the child. The environment needs to be safe, secure and comfortable for the child. This is for the first time that the child is leaving the comfort of their homes and their near and dear ones and entering into a set up which is yet to be familiar to them. The school set up should encourage him to participate actively and freely. The school’s interiors should be bright and colorful and as well as the school should have enough space or a playground for the children to play.

2: Distance

Choose a play school that is close to your house or office so that the child does not spend much time in traveling. In case the school is far off then ensure that the school provides a pick and drop facility.

3: School’s Reputation

Do a research on the school. Meet and speak to the parents of the children who are already enrolled in the school or who have studied in the school. Check the school website and understand the curriculum, the teaching methodology and the facilities provided by the school.

4: Learning Modules

The learning modules should be too academically inclined. The entire teaching methodology should be in the most simple and fun loving manner. There should be a lot of activities and the learning should happen through the same.

6: Medical aid

Every playschool must be capable of giving the basic first aid. The school must have a child doctor or a nurse to help the children in case they feel sick or hurt them.

7: Playtime or Free play

Play should be the main focus of playschool. There should be free play as part of the daily timetable.

8: Student-Teacher Ratio

The student-teacher ratio should not be more than 1:10. It is very important that the student-teacher ratio should be known as most of the times there are a lot of children in the class, however, there aren’t many teachers to look after them. During this age, each child wants that individual attention and so the teacher-student ratio should be kept in check. Also, there should be a maid or a helper in the class to assist the teacher. And if at times there are more than 10 children in the class, the main teacher should be supported by an assistant teacher.

Friday 3 November 2017

Inauguration of I PLAY I LEARN at Naktala

Inauguration of I PLAY I LEARN at Naktala

On 14 September, one more feather was added to I PLAY I LEARN, the GEN-NEXT Preschool. Wasim Ahmad Khan, noted classical singer of national repute, graced the occasion as Chief Guest. In his address, he asked the gathering to inculcate good thoughts in children, encourage them and promote them so that students can accomplish not only in academics but also in also aspects of life. The opening ceremony was presided by the guest of honor, the zonal head, Raj Kumar Singh of New Age Knowledge Solution LTD. The motto of our Pre-school is to create an environment where the toddler is nurtured and empowered with enriching opportunities for our young inquisitive minds to quench their thirst for play and of course, learn too.

I Play I Learn is one of the leading preschool or play school franchise in Mumbai (India). Our Preschool Franchise offers high returns on low investment. Having centers in Thane, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Karnataka. Kolkata, Hyderabad, Borivali, Goregaon, Kandivali, Kharghar, Malad, West Bengal. Our Preschool/Play school Franchise model has been envisaged with the fundamental principles of non-discrimination with standardization; hence flexibility in the model that provides multiple format opportunities (Metro & Non-Metro Locations, further classified on the standardized resource allocating capability) to our prospective franchisees. Our motive is to provide the benefit of quality preschooling to our kids cutting across demographical and lingual barriers, which is such a precious desire for all concerned guardians of today. For more details visit :

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Developing business needs strategic planning and intelligent moves to nurture and nourish the endeavor. Counseling and business development...